1. I have twins. Hence the title. They are fraternal (non identical) boys. They are almost four, & are completely mad balls of unrelenting energy. They are simultaneously hilariously entertaining & wildly infuriating & excruciatingly embarrassing. They are relentless whirlwinds of big & loud personality, expressed in incessant chat & constant tearing around. I perpetually wish they had an 'off' switch (they actually do - it's called Cbeebies). And the world would be a duller place without them, because they make it brighter.

    (they also have an adored younger brother, who is quite literally loved to crushing point. I had hoped he would be the sedate one, but fear I am to be disappointed)

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I am Mrs Granny Pants, married to Grumble Stiltskin, with two children, the Mischief Maker and Loud Lungs. Thoughts from the sublime to the ridiculous will be expressed.
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